The Lube Effect
As a culture, we’ve become more open to talking about sex and sexual health, and for the most part, this has been to our benefit. Teen pregnancy is down, while the trajectory for condom use is going up. Not to mention that our digital landscape today has evolved to being more inclusively sex-positive as well as a resourceful tool for sexual education. Still, there’s one sexual health product that remains surprisingly taboo, even though it theoretically would make our sex lives a lot better: lube. When you talk to people about their aversion to lube, the same critiques pop up over and over again: It tastes weird. It smells weird. It doesn’t seem necessary and it makes everything messy.
For heterosexual people in particular, there seems to be a great deal of resistance (pun absolutely intended) to using lube. There’s certainly still some stigma surrounding the use of lubricants. Some women are too embarrassed to request it, while some men feel that if their partner isn’t producing enough natural lubricant, there’s something wrong with her, the relationship, or with themselves. To them, needing to use lube is a sign that “I haven’t done the foreplay right/enough and she’s not physically ready to go, and I guess we need help.” Lube seems like you’re admitting defeat.
This cultural aversion to lube is a problem for many reasons, chief among them that a lot of couples could actually benefit greatly from it. While we tend to think of vaginal dryness as something only the sexually disinterested and premenopausal experience, not all vaginas self-lubricate the same amount, and vaginal dryness is extremely common and for an incredibly wide variety of reasons, such as where you are in your menstrual cycle or what medication you’re taking. Some hormonal contraceptives, for instance, have been linked to vaginal dryness, ironically indicating that perhaps an effective way to prevent teens from having sex is to put them on birth control.
Here’s why you should consider using lube.
What does lube do for a woman? For the most part, women stay silent about pain or discomfort during sex, either out of embarrassment or fear of displeasing their partners. In a culture where female pleasure is often considered little more than an afterthought, this isn’t all that surprising — nor is it shocking that there would be stigma around a product that is largely intended to make sex more pleasurable and comfortable for women. To be clear, it’s completely normal to decide to use lube even if you naturally produce plenty of vaginal lubricant. The vagina wants what it wants! But if your vagina is dryer, then it’s an especially good idea to use lube whenever you’re participating in sexual activity that involves friction, such as when using sex toys (even externally) or during any kind of penetrative vaginal sex. Quanna’s water-based CBD lube Oomf is intended to alleviate discomfort and increase pleasure for women and people with vaginas.
What does lube do for a man? Giving is just as important as receiving, so having lube handy for your sexual interactions not only elevates the experience for you both by ensuring everyone is having a discomfort-free time, but also shows that you are a considerate partner. But, what does lube do for a guy, specifically? If you want to take sex to new heights and perhaps help with any issues with erectile dysfunction, CBD lube like Oomf acts as a vasodilator, it opens up the blood vessels and brings more blood to the area, thus increasing arousal and decreasing discomfort. Tip here (sorry for the double entendre),but lube works wonders while masturbating, I mean no more dry hands or using moisturizing lotion that could contain unwanted chemicals on your penis or inside you.
Lets address any other lube concerns and lube effects:
- Can lube cause itching?
- How does tingle lube work?
- Does lube help prevent herpes?
- Can lube cause UTI?
- Is using lube safe during pregnancy?
- Is lube safe to use when trying to conceive/ Does lube help you get pregnant?
- Does water based lube cause yeast infections/ Can lube cause thrush?
- Does durex lube prevent pregnancy?
- Does lube go out of date?
- Does lube prevent pregnancy?
If you have any questions or concerns about your personal lubricant and its interaction with STIs, fertility and pregnancy, we encourage you to consult with your physician or a healthcare professional beforehand.